El Aceite obtenido del Tea tree o árbol del té, un gran árbol de origen australiano, 100% puro y rico en aceites esenciales se ha convertido en uno de los más apreciados productos en cosmética y aromaterapia
Sara Simar Pure Tea Tree Oil 100% 30ml
Composed of a complex mixture of mono and sesquitepérnicos alcohols in an essential oil, it possesses unique antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral actions being harmless for the cells of the epidermis:
It fights bacterial, fungal and viral growth while maintaining the native flora of our skin.
Removes a wide range of germs from the skin.
The cosmetic activity of Uresim tea tree oil focuses on maintaining the correct hygienic state of the epidermis due to its dermopurifying and sanitizing actions, which derive from its properties:
- It eliminates the pathogenic flora of the skin and its appendages, like the nails. It is frequently used in nail baths prior to manicures and pedicures.
- It improves the state of onychomycosis ( nail fungus ) due to its anti-fungal properties.
- Decreases the formation of closed comedones after epilation, preventing bacterial growth in open pores.
- Combats Propionibacterium acnes bacteria, responsible for the acne, improving the condition of facial comedones.
- Attacks the species Pediculus Capitis, responsible for infestations by lice and their nits.
- It fights bacteria and fungi responsible for dandruff, improving the condition of the scalp.
- Seborregulatory properties. It serves both to regulate hyper (greasy hair) and hisposeborrea (dry hair).
Apply to the area to be treated, massaging gently until completely absorbed. You can also add a few drops to your usual cream, mixing it well before applying. Pack of 30ml.
Display packaging: 18 units.